There has been some problems with the site being shown in Firefox! so far we have not been able to find any major problems in Internet Explorer. But if you during your surf here on this site find ANY bugs/errors! Please let the administrator know at Seeing that we need this website to be available to everyone :) we thank you for your patience and time.
Known bugs/errors in Firefox so far:
Some comics are not being shown on the prober site and gives a default "image not existing" icon instead.
Surfing may be slow on Firefox users.
I know i said that i would never write a news block about a new release anymore! but i lied! :) hehe the only reason why i did this is because to let you know that we have a section on the forums about "Danesar of Daggerspine" where you can see about delays and read the FAQ! :) first off i would like to apoligize that i didnt get it in there that i am starting to move the release day abit more apart, so there wont be a comic every day now anymore (mainly because my GF just got home from Ireland agian :) hehe well i hope you will enjoy Danesar of Daggerspine Episode 4: A dark meeting and rotten tongues!
btw click HERE to get the FAQ that says that i will post the comics at my own leisure :) anyways.. i will write in the shoutbox when i release a new one :) but no more in these news blocks :)
take care
Jaz on February 05 2007 ·
1 Comment · 1789 Reads
Hi people! :) Episode 3 is up! :D
Mind you THIS will be the last time that when a new episode comes out, i will post it in the news! from now on! PLEASE check for yourself! :) thou i am very happy that the comic has been so well recieved! :)
Another thing you can do is check our forums, namly the danesar of daggerspine forums (dosn't require registration, thou your welcome to do so :) and see if i have delayed the next episode or when it will be out! :)
Jaz on February 02 2007 ·
1 Comment · 1787 Reads
EPISODE 2 ONLINE! and a small Graphical update!
The site has recieved some small tweakings in order to coop with the new comic "Danesar of Daggerspine" The Realm forums link has been moved down a notch to make room for the new "Danesar of Daggerspine" episode index! where you also now can find! EPISODE 2! for your viewing and humor pleasuring! :) Enjoy em! :) more to come ofc! :)
Jaz on February 01 2007 ·
1 Comment · 2866 Reads
Danesar of Daggerspine: Episode 1 - Southshore Burning! - NOW ONLINE!
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol