PC Help Got a problem with your PC and need some help. Then try here and see what other members can offer in the way of advice/sarcastic comments. Moderated by: Administrator
Applications Please register and post about yourself if you have are interested in being considered for a position with the guild. Moderated by: Administrator
19-02-2017 16:24 by
World of Warcraft
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Warcraft Chat The good and evil folk of Azeroth can voice their views and comments here. Moderated by: Administrator
Warcraft Guides Guides for the various aspect of World of Warcraft. Warning: This thread will be heavily moderated so no spamming at all. Keep all post 100% on topic Moderated by: Administrator
Test Forum This is where you test out stuff on the forums (Signatures etc) Wear your Hazard Suit and Safety Googles at all times! Moderated by: Administrator
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol