The guilds first ever excursion into The Black Temple was rewarded after several attempt with it's first kill of High Warlord Naj'entus. We later fought our way to Supremus and although we were unable to defeat this colossus we did manage to bring him to 19% of his health.
Another stunning first for The Blade Order was achieved last night. This time our first success at Hyjal Summit.
Winterchill was the target of TBO's warm reception and for their efforts were rewarded with some nice Eplixx! to make us more Imba!
Another one of Zul'jin's animals in his big zoo known as Zul'aman went down last night ! It was one of the most funniest and (kinda) hardest fights iv been in :P sure beats Prince anyday! :P A big shout out to EVERYONE who was in the raid! We really pulled throu! :D
Abit of Old News actually! but we are gonna post it anyways: The Blade Order was informed that Kael'thas had a very big robot with free epix! Soo we couldn't resist going 25 man in there.. with a few tries he was down :) Gratz all! :D
So! 25 good hearted TBO boys (and girls) decided they wanted to go fishing in a very dangerous place, all of a sudden Altzu was attacked by this mother of all fishes.. ofc we didn't put up with that and kicked his ass! (well least on the 4th try or soo) but important thing here was WE WON! :D Anyways! Alot of thanks to Nafedogg (ye old TBO tacticer) and EVERYONE else ofc :) we got the bastard, who tried to touch Altzu in places..
YEAH! Finally we do larger raids again! THAT FELT GOOD!
Thanks to all who were there:
Gangsta, Hazuki, Shendaynor, Georgi, TheBizzy, Braineater, Lewster, Renswind, Nigtelfixx, Fisty, Obei, Krissano, Shadeseeker, Daveraver, Oceanborn, Lislele, monolito, Altzu, Kandia, Empaty, Pranky, Omadabear, Babybird, Strifie and Jayze.
(And Scarleg and Azazel who sadly had to leave befor the highlord died.)
-Special thanks to Nightelfixx` parents for not killing him for not going to bed when he was supposed to!
Grats to Lisele and Babybird with new shoulders, and Braineater with a neat belt!
This is Danesar telling you NOT to worry about the comic! I am NOT cancelling or postponing (yeh well in sort of way) it.. I just wanted to let you all know i havn't posted an episode in while now! And it is simply because i recently moved to a whole new town and started a whole new Education, which i need to sort out firstly! BUT don't worry il backNEXT WEEK WITH A NEW EPISODE OF DANESAR OF DAGGERSPINE! So stay tuned to this website!
It has not always been easy, it hasn`t even always been fun... We have died, and died, and died... We have bought potions. We have payed repairs (special thanks to Beast there :P). Some said we couldn`t do it (dunno who but sure there was :P)
-But now. Thanks to EVERY SINGLE ONE who has participated in the loooong hunt for the big dragon in Karazhan! ITS DEAD!
Raid was:
Shendaynor as MT
Georgi, Nafedogg, Sinless and Ayanami as healers.
Lisele, Daveraver, Magecyanide, Altzu and TheBizzy.
Thanks to all of you. BUT if it hadnt been to LOADS of other ppl we would never have done it... we had ppl standing by, ready to join if needed. We have had ppl helping to get the gear, pots and recipes for this and previos raids the last months. AWSOME guild achivement, guys AND girls!
Ohhh.. and almost forgot...
Grats to DAVERAVER with
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol