Monday night saw the largest and best progession since the release of WotLK.
On this night the TBO boys and girls did clear some amazing firsts:
Instructor Razuvious was the first of these, followed swiftly by Gothik the Harvester and The Four Horsemen, all with very little trouble.
Afterwards we thought "it's going so well lets see what we can do against Patchwerk, and to be honest he was no contest at all. After playing the frogger mini game Grobbulous was to fall next. Unfortunately I neglected to take a screenshot of this however tomorrow night proof of his downfall will come in the form of a screenshot of Gluth.
Many of the brave warriors that embarked on this venture came away with many eplixx and were happy as bunnies on a sunny spring day
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol