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Bloodqueen dethroned

With their heads held high, a group of 25 TBOers went into ICC, one mission in their hearts. Loot Bloodqueen.
The raid was marked by lightning storms causing people to crash, luckily there was loads of extra guildies to fill the slots.
Im the last try everything came together and she went down as the enrage countdown reached one.

Well done everyone! Thanks for keeping focus and spirits up :)
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#3 | Neo_newz on November 12 2010 00:53:51
Случайные афоризмы:

Валенки - это заросшие, окрепшие и поседевшие мужские носки.
В российском футболе только две беды: это поля и футболисты.
Эгоизм - самая чистая, искренняя и взаимная любовь.
В России снесут хрущёбы и построят берлоги.
Великий русский гомосексуалист Петр Ильич Чайковский был композитором.
#4 | Neo_newz on November 22 2010 23:54:16
Случайные афоризмы:

Тот, у кого много денежных знаков, может не обращать внимание на дорожные
Нельзя быть одновременно веселым, трезвым и умным.
У Абрамовича столько денег, что он в них книги прячет...
От счастья лучше быть на седьмом небе, чем на седьмом месяце.
РФ - страна посредников, даже Путин правит через Медведева.
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01-01-2024 13:01
happy new year !

08-06-2023 10:47

12-11-2022 02:07
Thanks for keeping the site alive <3

08-11-2022 07:59
Hi! How are you guys? How life is treating you? Just growing older, building our lives, finding no time, the usual stuff... Grin

18-11-2021 16:32
Been working from home since march last year - but walk away from taht laptop at 4pm not to return til 7:30 next day! lol you?

08-11-2021 07:31
How are you doing guys? Working from home day and night, or quit your job? Kisses!

07-06-2021 20:22
still alive, TBC classic on the menu these days!

26-04-2020 19:50
Hi Guys! Not playing wow but still alive! How are you all? Kisses! Wink

27-01-2020 13:49
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol

24-01-2020 09:29
Komodo (Antique) and Thebizzy are playing WoW classic these days. You're more than welcome to join us if you'd like. We're on the Bloodfang server =)

08-01-2020 18:26
Hey guys, Hope you are all well for 2020! Still think about our old raiding days and honestly miss it and you lot. xxx

08-09-2019 21:11
Hello! How is everyone? Are some of us still playing? Wow classic maybe? I miss the whole thing... kisses!

10-08-2019 14:34
there is a tbo discord server now

10-08-2019 13:33
doing a great job keeping the page alive ! so clasit where are we going ?

20-12-2018 22:25

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