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February 22 2011 19:37:31
same here m8
February 22 2011 19:01:01
anyone just have problems connecting to wow server, game just kicked me out and it wont let me back on to the launcher
February 21 2011 13:37:48
Over. Also dont trust Nymph. Shes after your cookies!
February 21 2011 13:36:40
HIO! Ano many a champ was hoping for me to lead some raping in BWD tonight as we are on Nef(almost) but irl has stayed my hand and wont be home until tomoz. Soz bout that but anyone feel free to take
February 20 2011 01:44:15
Versi ! where the hell are you ?
February 19 2011 13:47:01
February 16 2011 09:02:33
Can everyone quit the swearing etc, kills the ambiance! ANYWAY, LETS TRY HEADED SOUTH ACHIEVEMENT TONIIIGHT AGAIN
February 15 2011 00:36:15
Good thread Mike. Unfortunately i wasn't able to reply.
February 13 2011 22:32:51
Atramedes - Check!
February 12 2011 10:19:40
got to love that they nerfed shadowpriest the same day they fixed ther dps ...
February 11 2011 14:43:14
my ear itches
February 07 2011 18:14:11
nice one dust
February 06 2011 15:54:30
February 04 2011 22:01:18
tastes like anchovies
February 02 2011 06:06:24
Always wanted to mount a turlte. I hear its salty ;P
February 02 2011 03:04:02
just fished up a sea turtle mount from a pool in deepholm! rumor has it that the drop rate has increased!
January 21 2011 22:25:42
loot is for noobs
January 19 2011 20:25:45
stop being a loot whore chaz!
January 18 2011 09:27:29
all these new dk going to take all my loot!!!!!!!!
January 11 2011 15:17:32
awsom work ko !!