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August 21 2008 22:05:28
damn angel..u just make me more hasty about the expansion to come..btw who do u think the narrator voice belongs? uther? old lich king?
August 21 2008 16:42:59
ze butt?
August 21 2008 14:55:22
August 21 2008 14:48:33
I say what what...
August 21 2008 13:37:29
See the home page guys Enjoy
August 20 2008 22:13:16
which guild? oh we desolved it since you no longer hang around with us and it's pointless to go on .. and .. god is in the rain my friend ..
August 20 2008 11:49:11
Going to Paris tomorrow to see Val, more rain I guess. How's the guild going? Miss you...
August 20 2008 11:25:15
morning peeps
August 20 2008 10:37:15
My compliments on your progress TBO
August 20 2008 08:05:24
Morning all
August 20 2008 07:17:01
Morning everyone
August 20 2008 01:30:25
rain?! like drops of water falling from the sky? oh i'd love to see that here have fun and take care hun..
August 19 2008 16:18:52
Hello lovely people! I'm in France to my parents, having good time, with the rain kisses!
August 19 2008 12:19:45
have a nice trip Themale m8
August 19 2008 04:30:20
sus lan kel
August 19 2008 02:50:23 we care..
August 18 2008 18:33:28
It's vacation time!
I'll be away for 10 days. Cya guys later when i come back.
August 18 2008 07:33:04
Morning gents and ladies
August 17 2008 19:25:49
WOOOO NEW PC just uploading wow
August 15 2008 06:47:15
gooood moorning TBO!!