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April 14 2012 03:22:18
I eat poo when I am drunk is that normal? X Peace out A town!
April 12 2012 19:28:51
time to download that beta
April 07 2012 14:09:42
Rawr! That is all
April 03 2012 14:30:20
WHOOT - my invite for D3 beta is through!! <3
April 02 2012 21:43:06
Blizzard put them sprinkles on, my mount fly's all night long no more rehashing moooooooounts!
April 01 2012 14:14:13
the inv are all a joke!!
April 01 2012 09:19:01
haha so much stupid on mmo-champ today
April 01 2012 09:14:15
=O Blizz gave me inv to MoP Beta... damn if thats an dumb april joke aswell :S
April 01 2012 09:12:58 -gb/games/zergo tchi/
Aprilfools?! =)
March 30 2012 20:36:00 e/27226
March 23 2012 09:34:38
suzi afk for a while - hdd gone phut!
March 23 2012 07:34:18
your application is under prosessing, we will come back to you
March 22 2012 17:12:22
Is their some info about when the apply should be answered ?
I am checking every day but I don't see any changes i'm afraid
March 20 2012 12:18:18
i keep getting them from people too, Heck got enough i could revive my 5 box shaman team at lvl 80 !
Shame my main account has the year subscription thingy
March 20 2012 11:45:15
Thanks for all the scrolls of resurrection guys, it's nice to know I'm being thought of Might take up the offer and come to say hi some time... but it's unlikely.
March 20 2012 11:03:52
is this going to be an alternative way of getting buff food maybe? grow your own? sure beats fishing/herbing for hours on end
March 20 2012 09:55:49
Never played farmville on FB but its good to see Blizz making stuff for us to do other then just idle in SW
March 19 2012 18:02:31
wow is gettin its own farmwill , its going to be like facebook whit mingames now ...
March 19 2012 11:29:30
item squish?
March 19 2012 06:02:47
Damn thats alot of information