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March 24 2009 12:38:48
NICE ONE great job dudes and dudettes
March 24 2009 07:43:31
well done guys on downing mally 25. wish i had been there - can't wait until we go back. TBO rule x
March 24 2009 07:09:40
Gratz on malygos 25
March 24 2009 06:48:45
Morning sexy TBO - GJ on maly 25 man. We really rocked that shiit
March 23 2009 11:29:46
March 23 2009 06:43:35
March 20 2009 11:17:24
¨stupid daggerspine..
March 20 2009 10:17:36
March 20 2009 10:16:02
imposible to log in grrrr.i go watch lews babes i quess
March 20 2009 10:11:01
So are we m8, tai aswell, the servers are down.
March 20 2009 09:36:27
mike and lew im stuck on authenticating.
March 20 2009 09:31:56
Did the servers just crash?
March 19 2009 17:57:14
one day delayed, but this week was hard to get through
But how are all?
March 19 2009 17:53:37
happy birthday hazuki!;D
March 19 2009 15:34:17
March 19 2009 09:44:37
Happy birthday dear
March 19 2009 08:42:54
March 18 2009 22:54:58
Happy Birthday Hazuki
March 18 2009 21:20:03
Happy Birthday mate!
March 18 2009 18:54:58
reached lvl 26 today
happy b-day me