Aranos - Death Knight - lvl 85
Aranos |
Posted on 15-03-2012 12:24

Posts: 4
Joined: 15/03/2012 09:28
- Your Name: Joerie vandormael
- Age: 20
- Location: Belgium
All below questions are related to the character wishing to apply.
- Name: Aranos
- Race: Dwarf (because of stoneform)
- Class: Death Knight
- Level: 85
- Spec: Blood tank
- Prior Guilds: None, I stopped playing WoW half a year ago because all my friends stopped playing.
But now I feel like I want to raid again and have fun at WoW.
- Reason why you left your last guild: It was a guild with only friends that played WoW for fun.
The reason why I apply here is because I want to raid every week and make progress.
- Do you have more lvl 85 chars, if so, what classes and on which server: no
- Gear: Armory url:
- Gear: Special notes: As you can see, my gear is kinda out of date.
I payed WoW yesterday to start playing again and did some new heroics.
It was easy to tank so I got some gear improvements.
Now I am constantly questing for reputation and running heroics to get my gear up.
And hopefully be ready for raiding soon.
- Trade Skills: Professions: Mining(525), Jewelcrafting(525)
- Trade Skills: Rare Crafts:
- Riding skill (mount): Master Riding(310% flying)
- Experience with raids/instances pre Cataclysm: I have played WoW before the burning crusades came out, and I did raid sometimes those days. The first time I really went into raiding was when wraith of the lich king came out. And after that I kept pugging and raiding occasionally. I did do most of all the instances, both normal and heroic and tanked allmost all of em.
- Experience with Cataclysm raids: I haven't done cataclysm raids 
- Experience in the game (Entertain us with a nice story): I started playing a priest on the horde side. I was a healer in the raids when the burning crusade came out. I did a good job raiding weekly but the group fell apart and the only thing I had was the experience.
Then i rerolled to the death knight on the horde side, But i didn't like it that mush so I made a new death knight on the alliance side on daggerspine. And this is my only lvl 85 at this moment and I enjoy it very mush.
- Are you Applying for another guild while Applying for TBO?
No I picked the guild I wanted to join the most for my own reasons and if this guild doesn't take my application I won't join a other one because i don't like the other guilds. They have no organization at all and I don't like guilds that just do stuff and don't plan.
- Have you used a Leveling service?
No I haven't, I wanted to experiance the game my way, so you can learn about it all on your own.
- Did you buy your account from Ebay?
No I raised this account all by myself and I would never pay for a existing account.
- Have you grouped with any TBO members before?
No I haven't unfortunately.
- Usual Gaming time per day / week:
I game every day atleast 4 hours. most of the time at the evening
- Can you use TeamSpeak?
yes I can, and all diffrent type of communication programs
- Do you share your account with another person?
No i don't, this account anly belongs to me
- Reason for wanting to join The Blade Order: The guild looks organized and mature to handle peaple that want to raid. A guiild that is stable no matter what happends. So i picked this guild because I think it will achieve alot. And I talked to some members and they look friendly and nice to talk to.
- Have you read, understood and agree to our rules of membership?
Yes I have, and I like the rules.
It is nicely organized.
First of all, thank you for reading this application.
I hope you will contact me in game so we can talk furthur and for the rest good luck and have fun at raiding.
greatings Aranos
Edited by Aranos on 19-03-2012 10:14
Fortyseven |
Posted on 15-03-2012 13:13

Posts: 84
Joined: 20/12/2011 20:39
Aren't you supposed to use a 2-handed weapon as blood tank? I thought dual wielding provided too much of a threat loss for it to work.
EDIT: Oh and GL.
Edited by Fortyseven on 15-03-2012 13:13
Aranos |
Posted on 15-03-2012 13:19

Posts: 4
Joined: 15/03/2012 09:28
Yes indeed, I had a 2-hander
but the one handed droped and improved me to mush not use for now  |
Kogirly |
Posted on 19-03-2012 07:13

Posts: 919
Joined: 18/12/2007 07:02
Quote - Reason for wanting to join The Blade Order:
Please try and fill out this.
Luthar |
Posted on 19-03-2012 09:14

Posts: 351
Joined: 07/07/2010 22:55
Belgium huh? Sorry to hear bud, my sympathies 
Good luck with the app
" I, I don't know why... But for some apparent reason, I can't stand women with sexy bodies. On a side note, flat-chested girls like you have absolutely no effect on me."
/Laharl, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Aranos |
Posted on 19-03-2012 10:16

Posts: 4
Joined: 15/03/2012 09:28
yes i'm a proud Belgian 
And I added my application, sry I didn't notice
Thx for reading |
Suzika |
Posted on 19-03-2012 11:28

Posts: 145
Joined: 07/12/2011 11:43
I cut some gems for him last week - nice friendly guy with a sense of humour |
Kogirly |
Posted on 27-03-2012 07:38

Posts: 919
Joined: 18/12/2007 07:02
Application accepted for a trial. Welcome to TBO. /w an officer for an invite.
Aranos |
Posted on 27-03-2012 15:12

Posts: 4
Joined: 15/03/2012 09:28
thank you, i look forward to meat and play |