I want to move my alternate "Crenguta" in another guild if i get accepted
The reason is simple: they need a healer in HC content and i don't want to loose this opportunity due to the fact that our guild doesn't raid as much as I want for my druid.
If there is any problem with this i guess we will find a solution so no one gets ofended.
My hunter is open for any raid calls if there is one
Have a nice day!
I can understand why you would wanna do this, but just a headsup from someone who did this before - It might work now, when its an off-season, but when both guilds start raiding regulary again, you wont be able to keep up.
trust me i know
I was in almost every LK raid TBO had when we were working thorugh him, and on the side i was doing ICC25 HC with Winds of Creation on my DK. It just becomes to much. so i had to make a choice.
and if you go through with this, so will you aswell eventually.
GL though whatever happens.
Hit them little niggas with a freeze-pop, represent
Another Famous quote by Org when he's healing - "Its not my fault the tank dies. its his own fault. He got hit to much"
"Be available to raid with your main. Do not raid outside the guild with your main, on any content TBO is currently on, or may do. If you are seen raiding current content with non guild, or cannot join a raid because you are bound to another group, you may be demoted, and you will not be eligible for raidpoints in future raids. TBO raids must take priority over any raids/groups you have joined with alts also. Please dont refuse to join a raid because youre raiding with an alt, same penalty will be enforced."
So yea, as Mike states, might work out for you know while TBO is not raiding all that often - But when the gates open up for regular raiding again you should be ready to make a choice!
You don't wanna be that guy turning down a raid because you have committed to another raid on a different character in a different guild. You will quickly lose the respect of the players/officers.
Edited by Heddy on 13-06-2011 11:49
I have to agree with all mikes words even though having the same ideas with such a racist hurts me inside.
I had times doing hardcore raids on my rogue in Striped Sucks and i enjoyed it only for one month or so. Then i was lost inside it, it was like a job with no pay check. No excitement since there is nothing new to see in game after 2 weeks or even one
Oh yea recount numbers were fun but eventually i said **** it.
Probably best way to find out what you want is to experience it. Just wanted to share opinions
HI Bolo, I think you should pretty much do as you would like mate, but I recall at the end of our last raiding spell you kinda said you didn't really care for raiding on your Hunter and prefered your druid, so i someways this looks to me like you are actually removing your main, dispite its present guild status.
I am also intrested to know which guild you are going to, as you say you don't wanna miss a chance...but I think you are forgetting that TBO is not that easy to get into either, and I recall your app being accepted on the strength of your referal from Ian and I quote from your app here......
Experience in the game (Entertain us with a nice story): I was brought to the game by an RL friend (Iancujianu). I got the feeling for the game very fast playing on his account and got my main (Bolovan) on my own account to lvl 80 in 2 weeks just in time to boost him in Outland I raided ICC moastly in pugs at first and got myself to 6k+ GS. I joined Marauders for awhile but they wore raiding alot whille trying to get server first LK25HC and wore requireing 90%+ atendence, wich is too much for me (I have active social/sexual life). After this I joined The League Reborn invited by my 5vs5 teammates. Now everyone I knew in TLR has left the server.
As you know we also will need healers when Firelands hits, which is in less than a fortnights time so like Mike said, are you sure the grass is greener on the otherside?
Tricky subject for TBO this one. I'll give my opinion in a short(ish) answer here, and make a longer post on the subject under its own thread, I think.
Traditionally, TBO has asked that if you want to be in the guild, you play your main in here, ie, you stick to the content we raid, and raid with us when we do. We have relaxed that lately, which is where the socialmember rank appeared from. I would however stress that the more people that look to raiding in other guilds (often not finding the fun they might hope for, as mentioned above), the less TBO will actually be raiding, as it becomes harder and harder to make a viable raid group, with less raiders playing inguild.
As everyone says, make your own choice mate, we dont actually try and stop people from doing this, and personally I appreciate the honesty of saying you are, rather than just playing elsewhere when we arent raiding all the time, as many do.
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol