- Your Name: Karl Petter
- Age: 18
- Location: Norway
All below questions are related to the character wishing to apply.
- Name: Zessic
- Race: Dranei
- Class: Shaman
- Level: 85
- Spec: Resto
- Prior Guilds: Just migrated to alliance. Been horde for a long time.
- Reason why you left your last guild:
- Do you have more lvl 85 chars, if so, what classes and on which server: I got five 85's at the moment, but only one at the alliance side.
- Gear: Armory url: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/daggerspine/zessic/simple
- Gear: Special notes: I don't got the best gear "yet" but i'm working on it. I know i miss enchants but I am working hard on that, just need enough gold and mats for it. I promis that i will be fully enchanted in a week. Back to my gear, as resto i like to stack haste and int, mostly because haste speeds up my heals and hots, and int give me a bigger mana pool which allows me to spend more mana on heals.
- Experience with raids/instances pre Cataclysm: Pre cata I have downed basicly everything.
- Experience with Cataclysm raids: Only done hc's so far, I dont like pugs for some reasons, hoping to do some raids as soon as possible. ( but not with a pug )
- Experience in the game (Entertain us with a nice story): hmm, I have to pass this one^^ Can't come up with a happy story :/
- Are you Applying for another guild while Applying for TBO? Nope, i'm not
- Have you used a Leveling service? No.
- Did you buy your account from Ebay? No.
- Have you grouped with any TBO members before? Nop, Just transfered to alliance
- Usual Gaming time per day / week: 15.30-20.00 ( longer if i have raids or anything similar)
- Can you use TeamSpeak? Of course
- Do you share your account with another person? Nop.
- Reason for wanting to join The Blade Order: I liked the progress and the people in this guild seems nice
- Have you read, understood and agree to our rules of membership? I have red and understood the rules.
Im sure one of the officers will give enough of a **** to reply eventually
gl with your app
and oh yeah, think the'll want you to fill out - - Reason why you left your last guild: if they need to get rephrenses about you
Edited by Gangsta on 25-05-2011 10:33
Hit them little niggas with a freeze-pop, represent
Another Famous quote by Org when he's healing - "Its not my fault the tank dies. its his own fault. He got hit to much"
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol