All below questions are related to the character wishing to apply. - Name: Nesualk - Race: Dwarf (I have a dwarf-fetish!) - Class: Hunter - Level: 80 - Spec: MM - Prior Guilds: TBO, Aurora Borealis, Order of Solamnia, Solo - Reason why you left your last guild: Solo died where after I had a short break. I did get in to Marauders, but my preferences have turned towards the social - which I did not find there. I decided to take some time off in the spring and during the summer. - Do you have more lvl 80 chars, if so, what classes and on which server:
Beyondness: Priest (Holy specced) – Will most likely be my main in cataclysm
Ness: Rogue (swords) – trash geared, but good for finding herbs
- Trade Skills: Professions: Engi/mining on hunter, tailor/ench on priest, herb/alch on rogue - Trade Skills: Rare Crafts: I do have a lot of oldschool engineering crafts on Nesualk
- Riding skill (mount): Epic on all 3. I’m buying 310% on them when I feel like it is needed - Do you have Cold Weather Flying? Yes
- Experience with instances pre WOTLK:
Vanilla: MC, BWL, AQ40 (eye 10%), horsemen in naxx
TBC: Kara, zul’aman, Gruul and a few in Hyjal - Experience with WOTLK instances: All instances. I have not killed LK yet though. We were at p3 when I played with Solo back in March (10man). - Experience in the game (Entertain us with a nice story): I have many good stories to tell, both in TBO and outside of TBO. I was there the first time Altzu made a fuzzy noise in his mic. I’ve been drinking with Henrik and Eric irl a couple of times and I have probably pissed off many TBO’ers with my hardcore-raiding attitude in the good old days. I was there when TBO killed Lucifron the first time together with Telsa and The Sea Dogs and I do still have my avatar which Danesar made!
- Are you Applying for another guild while Applying for TBO? Nope - Have you used a Leveling service? Nope, why spoil the fun - Did you buy your account from Ebay? No - Have you grouped with any TBO members before? I do believe so yes! - Usual Gaming time per day / week: 2-3 days, a couple of hours each day - Can you use TeamSpeak? yes - Do you share your account with another person? No
- Reason for wanting to join The Blade Order: I have lured around Daggerspine for a or two month trying to figure whether I want to do keep playing WoW or stop for good. I have concluded that I want to continue, however this is a decision I can only justify if this application is accepted. My preferences in WoW have changed dramatically because I am studying my master now and I have a very committing job. I want to be a part of the social aspect of WoW and this will be my preference from now on. I would like to come “home” to TBO and have a laugh ingame with some trashtalk in /g and some funny events around Azeroth. I have always followed TBO weekly (if not daily) by checked TBO forums for any funny posts or good. I miss my TBO friends and the social atmosphere here. I have lost the connection to many of you guys – I would like to rebuild these friendships once again and have fun with you in cataclysm.
I do believe I have a lot to offer TBO; I see myself as an honest friendly person. I always believe in the best of people and I am still sad due to circumstances regarding when I left/felt like I had to leave TBO last time. I am an old player who know what the game is about. I will not be super active due to RL commitments but I hope this will not be a problem. I am up for raiding if you guys give me the chance. Note that I have not studied on how to raid with a hunter after 4.0 yet but I will if I am needed (hunters changed from using mana to using focus).
- Have you read, understood and agree to our rules of membership? Yes
OMG! the lost hunter is back
Good luck with your apply.
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I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol