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Omadabear - Paladin - 80
- Your Name:
- Age: 23
- Location: Lake District, UK

All below questions are related to the character wishing to apply.
- Name: Omadabear
- Race: Draenei
- Class: Paladin
- Level: 80
- Spec: 11/5/55 (Retribution)
- Prior Guilds: Deathrow, The Blade Order & Soulbound
- Reason why you left your last guild: All of my friends had left the guild and it slowly started to become stale and antisocial.
- Do you have more lvl 80 chars, if so, what classes and on which server:
I have just one other level 80 and it my PvP frost mage Smooth on Daggerspine.
- Gear: Armory url:
- Gear: Special notes: Gearscore 5247. I have currently geared out my gear with all epic gems and best possible enchants.

- Trade Skills: Professions: Mining 450, Jewelcrafting 455
- Trade Skills: Rare Crafts: I have a small selection of epic gems that I can cut, (+20 Agility),(+34 Strength) & (+64 Attack power)

- Riding skill (mount): 300
- Do you have Cold Weather Flying? Yes

- Experience with instances pre WOTLK: MC, BWL, Ony, KZ & Gruul.
- Experience with WOTLK instances: I haven't a lot of exp. in raiding as my current employment has me working evening shifts but I have dabbled in bits in Naxx10, Voa10/25 & ToC10 & ICC10.
- Experience in the game (Entertain us with a nice story): A long time ago I played the Matrix Online (and wow, what a disappointment that became) it was there that I became friends with someone who then introduced me to the beta testings for WoW. Straight away I dropped MxO and rolled on the retail release of WoW and I have been playing it off and on ever since. This game has been home to me for an incredible 5+ years hosting many of my good friends to whome many are currently here in TBO ("Hi guys!"Wink

- Are you Applying for another guild while Applying for TBO? No.
- Have you used a Leveling service? No.
- Did you buy your account from Ebay? No.
- Have you grouped with any TBO members before? Yes.
- Usual Gaming time per day / week: I usually play lunchtime afternoon and the occasional evenign during weekdays. Most weekends I am busy working most hours.
- Can you use TeamSpeak? Already installed!
- Do you share your account with another person? Nope.

- Reason for wanting to join The Blade Order: The reason why I had left TBO some years ago back in BC was because most of my friends where already in a called who became known as Soulbound. I left to play with them and it was fun for a while. No most of my friends have left Soulbound as it took a steady slow downfall in my opinion. For me a very important thing to have in a guild is having social players. Social players who will communicate in guild chat with something other than the occasional "Gz" for peoples loot and, "Are we doing any ICC tonight?"

- Have you read, understood and agree to our rules of membership? Yes.
Edited by Omadabear on 30-08-2010 18:12

This here is my bitch, I slap him into submission each night before i make him wear the gimpsuit. Then me and his wife takes turn riding him downtown for fish n chips like a horse.

Few people i have connected with as well as Omada, and if you open your hearts n arms for him, ill shave the bumfluff i got growing on my face.

Good luck buddy, love you <3<3<3<3.....<3
" I, I don't know why... But for some apparent reason, I can't stand women with sexy bodies. On a side note, flat-chested girls like you have absolutely no effect on me."
/Laharl, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Hey Nameless One,

Your application will be handled as soon as possible. We are not recruitin melee dps atm but it seems like you might be the first genuine social member we recruit regarding your play hours. So please tell me if you are ok with social membershipSmile

One little thing on my mind : i remember omada selling his account some time in to TBC. Remember you asking to be removed from the guild because of it. am i wrong bout that ?

(btw Breador here. iremember doin Karazhan with you while you were runnin around with 6 summoned healin npc's with you cuz of the books we use and you were callin them your harem! lol that was good times hope youre the original omadaSmile )
Edited by Breador on 30-08-2010 18:43
Oh Luthar... you've always been the life of the party. I miss your wise ass remarks, hahaha!

Heya Breador, I too remember a certain pimp wannabe paladin running around KZ with his 6 npc priest hoes Grin They were fun times, times I hope I get to relive again here.

As for the confussion on if I was selling my account. No, I haven't done so or ever tried. I have been the proud owner of this account for the past 5+ years since beta testing Smile

My working hours do clash with most guild raiding times and I understand and respect the fact that most players in TBO have worked hard to earn there places in the raids. I don't expect to get in many if any due to work. I just miss the guild banter and being apart of a guild with my real mates. Now, I am moving home in 3 months time to go live over in Florida for the next couple of years or so. By then I am expecting/hoping Cataclysm with be released, THEN I hope I will be able to contribute in raids once we are all lvl 85 Grin

His name is Tony-bum, who like plums with rum and sing dum-dee-dum. He's a fan of long walks in the rain, and like movies where julia roberts cries. His favourite color is purplish green and his numbers are 4 and 19. One time he fell and scraped his knee, but it was ok, cause he was only dreaming, and when he woke up, he was a dog.
" I, I don't know why... But for some apparent reason, I can't stand women with sexy bodies. On a side note, flat-chested girls like you have absolutely no effect on me."
/Laharl, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Good mate of mine, introduced me to Daggerspine and sold me my first copy of WoW. Excellent player back in the day, but now has a job Wink

Good luck with your app mate =)
I remember omada from back in TBC days Smile
Drakess 85 Hunter :: Drakeals 85 Priest :: Drakeon 70 Rogue :: Drakawarf 80 Paladin :: Dramage 51 Mage :: Drakexy 19 Hunter Twink
Man i have the memory of *insertsomethinggreatbutalsolilbitfunnyhere*!

ive found the thread you lettin us know that youre a pimp fo realz and you can cut loose yo hoes if they not be behavinFrown (R.I.P Smooth)

This monster also had a warning on his account by blizzard for telling a guy to go suck his own balls.

God have mercy on us!

*edit: Amen!
Edited by Breador on 31-08-2010 01:56
Yaaaaaaayyy Omada Grin Grin

This is the guy you all have to blame for me playing Warcraft Wink Not that you would want to blame anyone Pfft

I had totally forgotten about the time he got the warning for saying that to someone Luna and nearly fell of my chair laughing lol

Great Guy all around Grin

My god I wonder sometimes how bad my memory is. Even I didn't remember the, telling a player to "suck my balls!" Blizzard warning! Wahahahaaa!

It's fun to be on a social active forums again, I miss this. I just hope all of these funny past events work for me and not against me, hahaa GrinGrin

sup playaa Smile

im out havin some super awesome adventures so whisper another officer for an invite!

Application -ACCEPTED- say whaa!

Peace out !
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01-01-2024 13:01
happy new year !

08-06-2023 10:47

12-11-2022 02:07
Thanks for keeping the site alive <3

08-11-2022 07:59
Hi! How are you guys? How life is treating you? Just growing older, building our lives, finding no time, the usual stuff... Grin

18-11-2021 16:32
Been working from home since march last year - but walk away from taht laptop at 4pm not to return til 7:30 next day! lol you?

08-11-2021 07:31
How are you doing guys? Working from home day and night, or quit your job? Kisses!

07-06-2021 20:22
still alive, TBC classic on the menu these days!

26-04-2020 19:50
Hi Guys! Not playing wow but still alive! How are you all? Kisses! Wink

27-01-2020 13:49
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol

24-01-2020 09:29
Komodo (Antique) and Thebizzy are playing WoW classic these days. You're more than welcome to join us if you'd like. We're on the Bloodfang server =)

08-01-2020 18:26
Hey guys, Hope you are all well for 2020! Still think about our old raiding days and honestly miss it and you lot. xxx

08-09-2019 21:11
Hello! How is everyone? Are some of us still playing? Wow classic maybe? I miss the whole thing... kisses!

10-08-2019 14:34
there is a tbo discord server now

10-08-2019 13:33
doing a great job keeping the page alive ! so clasit where are we going ?

20-12-2018 22:25

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