All below questions are related to the character wishing to apply.
- Name: Iancujianu
- Race: Human
- Class: Warrior
- Level: 80
- Spec: arms/fury but can respec fury if neaded
- Prior Guilds: Smooth Criminals in vanila, Yeti Employment Agency
- Reason why you left your last guild: is no way of puting this nice is there? some friends got ninjad by officers on non combat items- mounts, epic bags, bad officers atitude towards members, coud not get any advice from anyone with more end game experience.
- Do you have more lvl 80 chars, if so, what classes and on which server: No I don't feel the nead for another char warrior is perfect for me.
- Gear: Armory url: can't find my char on armory, never coud.
- Gear: Special notes:have best non rated pvp gear and mediocre DPS gear- 5.4k. I mainly do pvp so tier 9 gear is just temporary this is why I do not have enchants on it. I can afford any gear modification I am asked to do.
- Trade Skills: Professions: mining 450, BS 450- armorsmith
- Trade Skills: have the skils to do 20-30k gold/month without grinding
- Rare Crafts: full Imperial Plate, savory deviate delight, have alt that can do all shirts with "made by Reebok" tag
- Riding skill (mount):epic-280%
- Do you have Cold Weather Flying? yes
- Experience with instances pre WOTLK: none
- Experience with WOTLK instances: ICC10- 6 boses ICC25-4 boses
- Experience in the game (Entertain us with a nice story): I started playing this game in 2005 short after it started, and long before it was avalable in Romania on a shared accont. At the end of 2005 i got my own accont. I have leveled my warrior ever since with long pauses at lvl 19 29 39 and 49 (for pvp'ing reasones). I know many things new playerd don't becose I played moast in times when u had to read the quest in order to complete it. There are questions I have about end game mechanics and I hope that in TBO i'l get proper advice. I am the guildmaster of "Traders of Stormwind"- first trader guild on the server, before Stormwind even had an AH- 4 bank tabs guild.
- Are you Applying for another guild while Applying for TBO? No
- Have you used a Leveling service?No
- Did you buy your account from Ebay? No
- Have you grouped with any TBO members before? Yes
- Usual Gaming time per day / week: 2-8H/ 20H but some of it is at office so no raids (YES worcking for the guvernament)
- Can you use TeamSpeak? I can instal anything
- Do you share your account with another person?No
- Reason for wanting to join The Blade Order: I had nice experience with The Blade Order members, they left me with the best impresion. I am not the best raider but I am a team player but for that i nead a team. TBO rules seem fair and people seem nice. I am not beging for an invite, I am a good asset for any guild and consider myself a smart and mature player.
- Have you read, understood and agree to our rules of membership?
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol