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Barbedwire - Retri Paladin - 80
Hi everybody my name is Casper and im 21 years old and i currently live en Copenhagen, Denmark. I work in the advertising business at the moment at a company that does posters and such for films, gigs, theaters, and art.

In my sparetime i play ****loads of wow, unfortunately, but I really enjoy it. I've been playing ever since the game came out with 1 or 2 breaks. (Not lasting more than 1-2 months tho) When im not playing well then i am spending time with my girlfriend or having some beers with my mates while watching the show (football). Recently i returned home from taveling most South-America, Australia and New Zealand. When im not doing any of that i watch alot of movies and read a few books.

Now to the ingame stuff!

- Name: Barbedwire

- Race: Human, Because of the "Every man for himself" and cause of the extra expertise. (a bit the looks!)

- Class: Paladin
- Level: 80
- Spec: Retri MS / OS: Whatever needed (atm prot)

- Prior Guilds:Vanilla: Apex (A), Guardians (A). Tbc: Solo (A). Wotlk: Recipe For Cake (H), VoiVodite (H), Sad Pandas (H).

- Reason why you left your last guild:
As for the woltk guilds, They pretty much dispanded or migrated all of them.

- Do you have more lvl 80 chars, if so, what classes and on which server:
Oh yes. I have 2x Rogues, 1 Warrior, 1 priest and a paladin. They are all on Daggerspine, though the 2 rogues are on horde. My warrior is prot MS / Fury OS. Priest is shadow MS / Holy OS. Both geared with ICC. Can post links if interested. They have tho atm all been put aside for this one and only Paladin. But ofc if needed for a raid i will play them Smile

- Gear: Armory url:

- Gear: Special notes:
Well he is still in the gearing up phase, and has 2 pvp pieces which i am hoping to replace as soon as possible. I haven't gemmed and enchanted gear below lvl 251. This has to due with how quick you change gear until you gain gear from ICC and up.. I always enchant and gem with the best, and money is not an issue.

- Trade Skills: Professions:
Enchanting / Tailoring / JC / Mining spread out on my chars.

- Trade Skills: Rare Crafts: None.

- Riding skill (mount):
225 atm.

- Do you have Cold Weather Flying?

- Experience with instances pre WOTLK:
I started of with raiding (yes) UBRS with the guild Apex and then moved on to MC which is where my addiction truely began. after months and months we proceeded to BWL. cleared it after months and months of whiping. Continued to AQ20/40. Cleared this after a looong time aswel. Did first wing of Naxx.

TBC - With Solo, KZ was quickly cleared together with gruuls lair. then SSC. MH, BT and a bit of The Eye. Is what i got to do in tbc Smile

- Experience with WOTLK instances:
Done everything up until ICC.

Ulduar 10 hm. Can't remember how many tho.

Totc 10 hc / Totc 25 hc

ICC 10 9/12

ICC 25 7/12.

- Experience in the game (Entertain us with a nice story):
Starting of as a rogue in vanilla and whole TBC i've always been pushing for max dps and always trying to find a little loop in between my attacks and rotations to fill in something better. Ever since i first started raiding i got addicted to it. I started reading theories on how to maxmize your dps i started buying pots and sharpening stones, to perform my absolute best. Things got even worse when i first felt the exitement and and shouting going on, on vt when downing raggy for the first time and i have been a wow junkie ever since.
In TBC alot was added to this game and it got easier to play, easier to get gear and easier to perform good (Nothing compared to woltk tho) PvP tho was something i started to show interest in and did well in arena and enjoyed it alot and even achieved a gladiator title. Sideways i also did loads of pve so pretty much played all the time Smile

Wotlk has gotten alot easier but there is still difference between good and bad players and it is not all gear. Thats why i believe that if you recruit me you will get a competetive and focused stable player who will push for that extra dps with putting others at risk. Im a quick learner i read up on tacs i watch videos i always do my best to perform well.

- Are you Applying for another guild while Applying for TBO?

- Have you used a Leveling service?

- Did you buy your account from Ebay?
- Have you grouped with any TBO members before?
Yes plenty, specially back in the days but not so much in woltk due to being horde
- Usual Gaming time per day / week:
Well per day 3-10 hours. Per week who knows Sad i dare not think about it!
- Can you use TeamSpeak?
Yes both speach and spoken to! Wink
- Do you share your account with another person?

- Reason for wanting to join The Blade Order:
Well i have gotten the impression that TBO is a guild filled with warm cosy and mature people and the guild stands out by having a more human attitude towards it all then many other guilds. I've known most of my ingame life and if i remember correctly i think we lvled a bit together. You just seem like a guild for me and i feel i can give you something in return.

- Have you read, understood and agree to our rules of membership?
Yes I have! especially the part about the horde. It has come to my mind as writing this that i've been playing horde for almost a year hoping this won't affect ur descision!

So thx for reading and taking your time, and please bare with spelling mistakes

Regards Casper aka. Tricksy / Zig / Barbedwire
Good Luck, I have been in a few HC's with you recently and seen you in a few 10man on my alt.
I am sure you licked me in ToC yesterday - for that you get my vote (not that it counts for anything)


Cuteprincess wrote:
Good Luck, I have been in a few HC's with you recently and seen you in a few 10man on my alt.
I am sure you licked me in ToC yesterday - for that you get my vote (not that it counts for anything)

Thx mate, yeh i remember you from TOC. really bad grp tho. Smile
Hey Casper,

Your application will be discussed amongst the officers and you will get a reply soon but meanwhile you really have to work on your gear if you want to up your chances. I know most of the people are at t10 lvl gearwise now but stil compared to that your gear is not rubbish. So i would like to see all proper gems and enchants on all of your equipment because there is no guarantee that you will upgrade your gear in a snap.Wotlk has been out for some time now so what have you done with your frost emblems?

Also your talent build seems slightly pvp oriented. i think 11/5/55 is the raiding spec commonly used.

All in all good luck with your application :)
Edited by Breador on 19-08-2010 11:32
"My warrior is prot MS / Fury OS. Priest is shadow MS / Holy OS. Both geared with ICC. Can post links if interested"

This really bugs me in applications, If you are joining the guild you are joining to become a part of the family so to speak. It really annoys me when people apply with 'alts', as to me that is clearly what your pally is if you say you have two other toons that are ICC geared.

I am reading this application and all I can see basically is "I need somewhere to gear my character". Which is a shame because you seem to be a nice guy, and your application is well written. But the fact you have two ICC geared characters, and are applying with an ungemmed/unenchanted Paladin is all I can take from this.

HOWEVER, I speak only for myself so don't take this to heart.

I hope you prove me wrong man Smile
Hed's dead baby, Hed's dead.
Lo guys!

Thx for responding, first of all the gems and enchants will happen straight away. This is no issue at all Smile

Bought trinket for the Frost emblems i earned, and continuing with belt afterwards. Your right it is a pvp spec i just used it for a night to play some arena with a RL mate. So thats all hehe.

As for the "alts of mine" they have been put behind, they simply can't live up to how fun it is to play paladin, there are so many opportunities within the class. You can be confident that my paladin is my main. It was just if one of the classes could help out if that class exactly was needed i would play them to help out only.

You can be confident that TBO is not just a place for me to gear up. I miss the feeling of being in a guild, and you will find that im not "gear horny" or something like that!

Thx in advance Smile

That's good enough for me.

I am a firm believer in playing what makes you happy and what you enjoy, I'll admit I perhaps jumped the gun a little - I meant no disrespect, I was just voicing my opinion on the matter Smile

I just hope you were able to see my point of view, and not just see me as being a knob haha

Good luck buddy.
Hed's dead baby, Hed's dead.
I didn't feel disrespected at all mate its in your full right you should for all express what you feel.

I admit after seeing your reply i needen to enlight that part a bit so it was all good! Thx mate! Wink
Hey Barbie,

Your application is -ACCEPTED-

Please whisper an officer in game to receive special blizard mount!
Yay! Thx alot always wanted that speciel mount!

Thx guys you won't be dissapointed !

btw.. barbie doh! Wink
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01-01-2024 13:01
happy new year !

08-06-2023 10:47

12-11-2022 02:07
Thanks for keeping the site alive <3

08-11-2022 07:59
Hi! How are you guys? How life is treating you? Just growing older, building our lives, finding no time, the usual stuff... Grin

18-11-2021 16:32
Been working from home since march last year - but walk away from taht laptop at 4pm not to return til 7:30 next day! lol you?

08-11-2021 07:31
How are you doing guys? Working from home day and night, or quit your job? Kisses!

07-06-2021 20:22
still alive, TBC classic on the menu these days!

26-04-2020 19:50
Hi Guys! Not playing wow but still alive! How are you all? Kisses! Wink

27-01-2020 13:49
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol

24-01-2020 09:29
Komodo (Antique) and Thebizzy are playing WoW classic these days. You're more than welcome to join us if you'd like. We're on the Bloodfang server =)

08-01-2020 18:26
Hey guys, Hope you are all well for 2020! Still think about our old raiding days and honestly miss it and you lot. xxx

08-09-2019 21:11
Hello! How is everyone? Are some of us still playing? Wow classic maybe? I miss the whole thing... kisses!

10-08-2019 14:34
there is a tbo discord server now

10-08-2019 13:33
doing a great job keeping the page alive ! so clasit where are we going ?

20-12-2018 22:25

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