Overhaul level: Moderate.
Levels 20-25.
Increased orc presence in Ashenvale has resulted in severe deforestation around the Warsong Lumber Camp.
Horde forces have begun to move in on Silverwind Refuge.
Astranaar is being assaulted from the air by the Horde.
Overhaul level: High.
Levels 10-20.
Goblins have claimed Azshara for the Horde and have reshaped the land into a giant Horde symbol.
The mountains have been mostly destroyed by goblin mining.
The goblins have built a city there, linked directly with Orgrimmar.
The Barrens
Overhaul level: Moderate (North) to High (South).
North Barrens: 10-20; South Barrens, 30-35.
The Cataclysm has split the Barrens into two separate zones, North and South Barrens.
The two zones are divided by a huge lava fissure.
The Alliance will be moving into South Barrens, setting up camps there.
Some of the Barrens, such as the area around Wailing Caverns, will be lush and verdant due to druidic intervention.
Entryway into Mulgore has been reinforced by the tauren.
Camp Taurajo razed by the Alliance.
Overhaul level: High.
Levels 10-20.
Auberdine has been destroyed by tidal waves.
The cataclysm has ravaged much of the zone.
The night elves have retreated to the north end of the zone.
The Horde is encroaching from the south.
Overhaul level: Moderate.
Levels 30-35.
The cataclysm has cracked a hole in the sea wall, allowing water into the zone.
Some of the zone has regrown due to the water coming back.
The covens in the zone appear to have been partially successful in summoning in Burning Legion demons.
Overhaul level: Moderate.
Levels 1-10.
Orgrimmar is reinforced with black iron a la Warsong Hold.
Some damage is done to the landscape.
Stonetalon Mountains
Overhaul level: High.
Levels 25-30.
The goblins have nearly leveled Stonetalon in with their mining operation.
A canyon has been cut through the mountains leading to Ashenvale.
An eruption has caused the Charred Vale to spread even further.
Overhaul level: Light.
Levels 45-50.
It is now possible to travel to Uldum, the new high-level zone, via Tanaris.
Thousand Needles
Overhaul level: High.
Levels 40-45.
The cataclysm has resulted in Thousand Needles completely flooding.
The planning map indicates a new instance in Thousand Needles.
Overhaul level: Moderate.
Levels 10-20.
Changes to Deadmines questline for high-level players.
Overhaul level: Moderate.
Levels 20-25.
Heavy landscape changes to the zone due to the emergence of Deathwing.
Passage to Twilight Highlands to the east opened.
Overhaul level: High.
New level range unknown.
Heavily affected by Deathwing's emergence. Details unknown.
Hillsbrad Foothills
Overhaul level: Light.
Levels 20-25.
Southshore lost to tidal waves.
Silverpine Forest
Overhaul level: Light.
Levels 10-20.
The Greymane Wall has been destroyed, opening the kingdom of Gilneas.
Shadowfang Keep questline getting redesigned for high-level players.
Stranglethorn Vale
Overhaul level: High.
New level range unknown.
Blizzard indicated that STV would be one of the most overhauled zones.
Hed's dead baby, Hed's dead.