I hope you all enjoy this new feature packed version of the website kindly put together by your loveable Main Tank, Danesar.
Please remember that if you are a member or are applying to become a member that you register using the ingame name of your main character.
This applies to whatever game we are playing at the time and is what we will call you by regardless of any other character you end up playing. For example in World of Warcraft my mains character name is Jayze but as my first ever character was called Jaz this is what I am know as both in game and on Teamspeak.
The old forums will be locked for editing to normal members as of the 1st December 2006 but until that date the old forums are still the active ones but please do feel free to post here if you feel your post will have a shelf life beyond this site going live on the 1st of December.
Many Regards
Edited by Jaz on 25-11-2006 09:28
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol