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Hello all. .

last night, some RL and I wanted to do a Onyxia run. but we couldn because of the guild rules, so we ditn. Now, I just hope that we do the onyxia raid before she resets next week, or I would have saved myself for absolutly nothing. Now, if we had a raid plannar of some sort, this could be avoided in the future. Then we could see when we where doing stuff, and sign up for it. I'm not saying we should have to use the raidplanar, but just some sort of planing. So we know when we do stuff, or might do stuff. Now, we dont know anything at all about when we raid, besides gmotd, and thats not really a good planing divice. I would just be very sad if I find myself saving for raids we never do, or dont know when to.

we've tried this before and imo it always turns out the same way...

Raidleader: Ok guys need a team for TOC10 next tuesday
Raiders: Yes! I'll be there for sure!

Tuesday night comes and people are late or don't even turn up - raid ruined.

It sucks coz i would love to see a solid raid schedule, but we have a more relaxed view on raiding, and just go when we can.
Hed's dead baby, Hed's dead.
well, we got Onyxia, real nice people great job =) was a good raid.. so, no complaints there. . I would just be sad if we ditn do it, before she resat when you really wanted to go =)
I hope we dont go down the same route as last time. I was really glad when you guys came back to TBO. After reading this, I'm thinking 'has anything changed, or is this exactly the same thing again'
well, I'm not saying that we are doing the same thing again, but I just hate the fact that theres no raid planning. that we cant "prepare" for raids, or look forward to a raid since, you have to be online to accuraly get on one?! Dont get me wrong, I'm happy to be back in tbo, I'm just not that happy about the raid "planning".
Now since I'm not online that much, as some, I dont think I would be the best for the job for setting up some sort of raid planning, otherwise, I would be happy to try it out. But seems kind of stupid to set up a raid I'm not attending to if you get my point.
But no, not back to the old RL raid thingy, that we did way back. but not being able to plan a raid ahead, is a problem for me if I wanna raid. Dont know if I'm the only one with that problem, if I am, well, just ignore me.
Edited by Hrothgar on 28-09-2009 18:43
Aah i see somethings hasnt changed hehe...

well, let me give you guys my two cents on stuff like this.

Hrothgar is right on some points, wrong on others. in my experience, raidplanning can work, for odd raids. bigger events or new bosses etc etc. if planned a week ahead and so forth.

But a contiuing weekly raid schedule has never (ever) worked as long as i was around, in this guild or when i was in soulbound. for a few reasons.

* to have a raid schedule you need a set team of raidleaders that have "their" days handling it. from setting it up, getting the right classes, making sure signed up ppl are on time, fixing points, reading taccs etc etc. its more hassle then reward at times.

* to have such a team you need ppl ready to be dedicated to handle their days. TBO was has never had that, cause its hard for grown up ppl to be able to give up the same night, every week 100 % of the time.

* going by the rule, that "we raid when we have the ppl online" is a much simpler way of solving these problems - a raidleader has to be on, the right ammount of ppl and classes are on, they all have the time to raid = raid. ofc the problem is, this can happen at any moment hehe since its all a sput of the moment thing. some hate that, some love that. no commitments fits some, does not fit all.

haha i dont know if i answerd anything here, but i thought i would write something here atleast.

Basiclly Steven, its hard to please everyone, you push a little to hard on structure you will hurt someones feeling, you keep it soft and uncommited you will hurt someone else. My tip is - enjoy the game Smile if raiding is all that you want out of the game, then we both know TBO was never then, or is now, the choice of guild for ya chaps Smile

anyways, nice to see you all are doing good Smile

catch ya on the flipside

Much Love Mike

Hit them little niggas with a freeze-pop, represent

Another Famous quote by Org when he's healing - "Its not my fault the tank dies. its his own fault. He got hit to much"
hey i agree whit the dane (stuipd danic ppl hoging all the good beer Pfft ) we shud try and have planed days for when we try and plan a raid , and then mix it up whit the if we have ppl .

me for shure is realy bored of the walls in dalaran atm , and i think i get any more conquest emblems my flying mont woont get off the ground Pfft

i know we seam to lack som dedicated raidleaders atm , and finding the ppl wanting to do it is not an easy task it seams , i know alchy is moving heavan and earth to try and achive this , so all we can do is hope that sombody will find it ther secred calling to lead rais for us .

then its the other fact having enuff geard ppl online for a raid , and somtimes acualty just getting enuff ppl to fill the spots can be hard it seams.

but the offsers are doing a great jobb trying to pull it all together and when we get it going its great
yea I feel you on that one Gangsta, I get the point =) I can see taht its not that easy to keep a weekly calender op. I just really want t oraid soon, but I have seen improvement the last few days, so I think it will be fine. perhaps I just spoke to soon. anyways, TBO is the place I wanna be, love the guild social status, and the people in it, so. . I'll adapt. hehe and thx for the surpot Mato Wink

Hrothgar out.


i know we seam to lack som dedicated raidleaders atm

Dont even go there girlfriend Ill scratch ur eyes out and feed them to the chickens.Were u not a raidleader once and quit coz u found the lack of interest in ur raids to frustrating?So one can question ur dedication seems u quit.

I say our raidleaders are very dedicated(not including me as i am assistant/raidleader in training),the stuff they have to deal with sometimes is enough to make grown men cry,and do u really think mato by saying we lack dedicated raidleaders that u are gonna motivate them to push themselves even more for the guild than they already do,its comments like that that will make our current raidleaders feel under appreciated and not want to make raids.

In my opinion if anything we lack dedicated raiders who will turn up to raids prepared,not afk,help out in anyway they can.Sure we have people who want to do nothing but raid but we dont have 25 people like that.So please dont question the raidleaders dedication as I think they all deserve medals,I repeat as i did in a previous thread "they do not get PAID for doing this",they are doing this for ur benifit.So if we keep our heads down,turn up prepared,read up on tacts we will raid more numbers permitting.Right now we lack the numbers nothing more nothing less.

Just one last thing mato to give u an example,I was in raid that someone else was leading last week.I will not name names but i just want to get the point across.In this raid we had 3 people leave early before the end of raid without agreeing with the raidleader,so that was the end of raid for us.The raidleader was keen to continue so u tell me how was he not dedicated?

I want you to know though mate i dont want to fall out with you over this but I really think u are missing the bigger picture.
Edited by Whistler on 05-10-2009 17:09
Hi mates!

As Gangsta I will throw in my cents aswell!

I'm more of the planning type aswell, it just goes the best with my RL.

But! Things have changed abit for me since the last time we had this talk, the "incident" that both Alchy and Gangsta mentions. Wink

I've hit a point in wow where I don't HAVE to raid! I don't HAVE to see all the content right here and right now. For me raid has become more of a social happening, with not so much focus on the loot as at the mere joy of making something happen together!

That said, I feel that there is, I don't know if it's called a paradox, but a problem with the fact that people are to save themselves for raids that they in no way can know if will ever happen during that week...

That works for me as I'm fed up to here with Pugs (/hold hand in a horisontal stance right infront of throat), but I can see some disagreement between expecting people to save themselves for surden raids, but at the same time no intend to plan any raids.

I know it's a ****load of work and the ones that keep it all together, you have my deepmost respect!

Once I get 100% settled in the new appartment I might "turn my self in" for leading raids if you'll have me =)

Any of the above is meant as constructive as possible, english is my second language and something might not be clear!

As I told Alchy in /w, I'm 100% in TBO now and I want to help making it better all the time! For which such threads here are an indispensable tool!


Edited by Owls on 05-10-2009 17:15

hey my dedication is totaly crap , no dount a bout it .

and lets se when i wrot that celex was afk for a long time ,breador same whise , i cant say i had seen yea lead any raids at that time .

when i say raidleaders i meen ppl whit that rank , not offiser leading raids , i know celex is back and will be doing 10times more then to be expected to make a raid .

but yea we lack ppl wating to raid ,and that is somthing we just have to deal whit i guesse .

and i have been thinking , we shud have raid time fro 1900 - 2300 , it seams like most ppl are pussing it to stay on untill 2400 and som acualy do leave early , but then a gain ther is no ppl online that erly so wath to do ..
Ok, my perspective of part 2 of this thread.
(1) We do lack raidleaders if we want to make a regular raiding schedule. The guys we have, as we've proved, dont have the time or the inclination to make us a 5/6/7 day a week raiding schedule, and commit to this on a weekly basis. As we arent a hardcore guild, its not a major problem, altho I would like to see maybe 1 or 2 more ppl leading raids, and at least 1 or 2 set raid days, where people KNOW they can login and someone will be leading a raid.

(2) We do lack regular raiders. Partly no doubt, due to (1), as there arent raids advertised, you cant expect everyone who might have the time to be online for them. And partly due to other people having other commitments, or finding other things they'd rather be doing at the moment (aion, ds horde or whatever).

I'm indisposed a bit at the moment, but hopefully should be back online regularly soon ish, and I'll do what I can about (1) and (2) Smile
well, I must admit I might have been a little to quick on the trigger finger when it comes to not raiding. I might have trown a statement without knowing the facts of the guild, mainly because I just joined TBO again. I like the social feeling you get in TBO, and I´m quite sure the raiding will get better, since I know I will be applying for raid leader as soon as I get some things together, and get to know the people of TBO a bit better. I would like to give it a go anyways. But I do feel we have raided more since I joined, so I´m not alarmed atm. I´m sorry if I offended any officers or raidleader by posting we didn't raid enough,was never my intend. I know its hard work to make and lead a raid,
Edited by Hrothgar on 07-10-2009 07:38
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01-01-2024 13:01
happy new year !

08-06-2023 10:47

12-11-2022 02:07
Thanks for keeping the site alive <3

08-11-2022 07:59
Hi! How are you guys? How life is treating you? Just growing older, building our lives, finding no time, the usual stuff... Grin

18-11-2021 16:32
Been working from home since march last year - but walk away from taht laptop at 4pm not to return til 7:30 next day! lol you?

08-11-2021 07:31
How are you doing guys? Working from home day and night, or quit your job? Kisses!

07-06-2021 20:22
still alive, TBC classic on the menu these days!

26-04-2020 19:50
Hi Guys! Not playing wow but still alive! How are you all? Kisses! Wink

27-01-2020 13:49
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol

24-01-2020 09:29
Komodo (Antique) and Thebizzy are playing WoW classic these days. You're more than welcome to join us if you'd like. We're on the Bloodfang server =)

08-01-2020 18:26
Hey guys, Hope you are all well for 2020! Still think about our old raiding days and honestly miss it and you lot. xxx

08-09-2019 21:11
Hello! How is everyone? Are some of us still playing? Wow classic maybe? I miss the whole thing... kisses!

10-08-2019 14:34
there is a tbo discord server now

10-08-2019 13:33
doing a great job keeping the page alive ! so clasit where are we going ?

20-12-2018 22:25

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