I am initially posting up the important designs I know for now. However I will later expand it to include all designs and include a column to show who can make what design.
4 all stats - Enchanted Pearl
Northsea Pearl & Infinite Dust
32 sta & 2% increased armor value from items - Austere
21 def & 5% shield block value - Eternal
42 ap & 10% stun duration reduction - Persistent
32 sta & 10% stun duration reduction - Powerful
Skyflare Diamond
21 crit & 3% increased critical damage - Chaotic
42 ap & minor run speed - Swift
25 sp & minor run speed – Tireless
25 sp & 2 int - Ember
Epic Gear:
Titanium Impact Band:
33 agi
51 sta
Yellow socket 4 ArP
Equip: 84 ap
Equip: 41 ArP
2x Titanium bar
4x Dragon´s eye
4x Eternal fire
4x Eternal shadow
Frozen Orb
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol