Crete-ical state
lisele |
Posted on 31-07-2008 10:42

Posts: 435
Joined: 25/05/2007 11:19
Dear TBO's,
I have sad news.
After a short life but a long and painful sickness, my computer finally died. It was always in poor shape, weak health, it was a pity to see such young a device suffering that way.
Last Sunday, in the middle of some flowers gathering, its brain stopped and never restarted. It was 14 months old.
Valeria was not there, I was completely devastated.
Panoramiks came the next day to see if it could still be saved, but after some tries, I saw the sad look in his eyes, and I knew it was over.
From my balcony, in the silence of an empty street, I watched Pano carrying away its body in the little black box, Athina was following them, holding its sound card in her hands.
They are no funerals for the death of a pc, but I'm sure there is a better world waiting for it.
Beside, I know that to some it will seem cruel, I decided to donate it's electronic parts that were still functional, hoping that somehow, through its graphic card and its memories, my pc will get a second life.
Pano said he'll make whatever is necessary, till my return.
Valeria convinced me to join him in Crete for ten days, then I'll go to see my familly in France for three weeks, to recover from my grief getting tan and eating ice-cream.
It was a brave computer!
Lise. |
Gangsta |
Posted on 31-07-2008 11:27

Posts: 1533
Joined: 04/04/2007 09:30
R.I.P dear pc 
aand have a great time in Crete, give Costas a kiss and...well you know, from me aswell 
Much Love Gang the Fag
Edited by Gangsta on 31-07-2008 11:32
Hit them little niggas with a freeze-pop, represent
Another Famous quote by Org when he's healing - "Its not my fault the tank dies. its his own fault. He got hit to much"
heijaangel |
Posted on 31-07-2008 11:39

Posts: 1403
Joined: 22/11/2006 11:19
R.I.P. pc
Have a lot of fun Lis. I hope ya packed enough blood for the time.
Come back soon, you will be missed
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Jaz |
Posted on 31-07-2008 12:09

Super Administrator
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Such a touching and heart felt tale of woe I am sorry for your loss, I hope the Ice-cream eating and tanning will in some way alleviate the grief you are suffering. I hear shopping is another good form of therapy as well  |
Chapi - Empathy |
Posted on 31-07-2008 12:48

Posts: 144
Joined: 17/05/2007 11:28
I remeber i was on skype with lisele (probably singing YMCA again....), when she dissappeared and neva came back, and then i knew it had finally happened.
Goodbye PC R.I.Pieces
marcele |
Posted on 31-07-2008 23:44

Posts: 366
Joined: 08/01/2008 23:07
OMg such a sad and touching tale of death and sacrifice, and to top it off we will not have our dear Lizzie online for, wow more than a month, I think the only thing that can ever recouperate us from such a tragic incident will be pictures of Lis eating icecream and tanning, and for gang some nudes of Val. Otherwise I fear for the consequenses of this tragedy.......
Alchy |
Posted on 01-08-2008 00:38

Posts: 1682
Joined: 19/12/2006 15:19
Have fun Lise 
I have a feeling my PC is on its way to the junkshop in the sky too, as its randomely shutting down at the moment, which is annoying so far but I expect it to get worse rather than better  |
Lewsterin |
Posted on 01-08-2008 06:58

Posts: 1234
Joined: 06/08/2007 08:01
I cant help feeling a little touch of: "Good Riddance" I hope the next pc will treat you like you deserve lovely lise. Perhaps the next one will think its a freezer and make you ice cream.
Have a wonderfull time with val dont get too beastial
Lewsterin Kinslayer
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Titan |
Posted on 01-08-2008 10:10

Posts: 76
Joined: 05/09/2007 19:11
Hope you have fun in crete lisele going to miss you on wow hopefully welle see you soon
Versipellis |
Posted on 03-08-2008 00:15

Posts: 349
Joined: 15/05/2007 22:45
may the gods of overheated processors merci on it's circuits.. and have fun lisele-le-nez..

DPS with a "tude".. How suprising..
You can run.. But you just die tired..
ThePenguin |
Posted on 03-08-2008 09:27

Posts: 139
Joined: 09/11/2007 19:10
Oh no this is such sad news That pc still tried to serve so well when we visited you, now he couldn't hold on any longer R.I.P. computer, it was nice knowing you
Thepenguin - lvl 85 human rogue