Well the other day i was leveling my mage when 3 horde came and ganked me. Well i wasnt to happy at the so i ressed drank and pwned them, after 10 minutes 3 level 70s came to corspe camp me for over an hour. Well me and Komodo (my bitch) came and pwned them with my hunter and his rogue for a good hour, we had fun laughing at them and camping the gits. Now i know al you gimps are into raiding PVE stuff but i say we live up to the realm type and go PvP some Horde ass in Orgimarr just because we can, i mean Horde deserve to die with the hassle they give us alliance because we are to soft on them.
We might aswell have some PvP fun as half of the people in the guild are PvP spec'd at the minute.
I hated Horde before. Now the just piss me off
Edited by Aquamarine on 25-03-2008 13:33
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol