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Im gonna leave u guys!
Toccs= 1 of the old core???

Nice to meet you in either caseSmile

Dont worry be happy!!
[img]src='' border='0'>[/img]


calmdur wrote:
Toccs= 1 of the old core???

Nice to meet you in either caseSmile

Yup, Jayze was the first GM. He gave his spot to Toccs. He did lead us trough MC and BWL.

Nice to hear from you again Toccs Grin

What is SeX? SeX Is When A Boy Put His Location In A Girls Destination To Increase The Population Of The NeXt Generation. Do You Get My EXplanation? Or Do You Need a Demonstration?

There are 10 kinds of people. The 1's that understand binary and the 1's that dont.
Dam angel ur fast Smile
I was just diggin in the old foruma(fora for the latin people here)
And i found toccs xD
U'r balance right Smile
Would be awesome to battle with one of the older members, maybe a time for reefus and toccs ?

Shock can you please Smile
Dont worry be happy!!
[img]src='' border='0'>[/img]


calmdur wrote:
Dam angel ur fast Smile
I was just diggin in the old foruma(fora for the latin people here)
And i found toccs xD
U'r balance right Smile
Would be awesome to battle with one of the older members, maybe a time for reefus and toccs ?

Shock can you please Smile

Hehe Toccs is indeed a old guildmate from you. He was the mighty guildleader and I've helped him a lot back in the old days. He earns respect Smile And so do reefus. A mighty paladin who really enjoyed the days back. Good to see you both on the forums Pfft
Cheers guys

I gave up on the decorating for the time being .. might just sell my house instead would be easier !!

However I do have a new past time that is keeping me very busy ... planning my wedding Wink Me and H tie the knot next August.
Edited by Toccs on 20-10-2007 10:20
Congrats mate.
As if you will have any say in the planning of the big day lol.
Gratz Toccs, and you'll have lots of say, it just wont be taken any notice of Smile

Hope me and Reef are invited to the reception
Grats to both of you, let's have another ingame wedding? Wink
Grats Toccs Wink So many old faces in here =)
I acctuly do miss Toccs, i remember his pulls =D They were frikkin works of art!

Toccs go: Pulling!

Just beautiful!

"The Paramount Path of the Pale Proselyte Pegan is a Protracted Pursuit of Purification"-The Big M-
And yes Mordekay that were superb times. Pull now. Ow wait.. Argh wipe!

On Sulferas:
Ralpbix: All tanks knows their position.
Danesar: Yes I've marked all targets and assigned all task.
Ralpbix: Ready all? 5,4,3,2,1,PULL

Danesar: Who is healing Fjortizz
= Fjortizz died =
Sionarch: Back, ow you started already
Ralpbix: Ow crap... Move to a save position for a res and use Devine Intervention.
Edited by Ralpbix on 22-10-2007 07:39
bloddy great =)
Acctuly I liked the MC days better than KZ days Pfft
Even tho my gear sucks compeared to now...
The instance was just great fun, Danesar having like 4000000000000 DKP so no other tank had a shot at any items he wanted... And danneh and mili! omg, TBO Icons! "YOU GOT FOOLED"
the most annoying voice to log on TS EVER!
Well, hope all the ppl come back one month, just to gather up and do some kinda thing togheterSmile
Reef, Toccs, Mombasa, Karma and Dutches sorry if i have forgotten anyone Smile But all of the old school ppl is missed Grin Even Ralp =)
"The Paramount Path of the Pale Proselyte Pegan is a Protracted Pursuit of Purification"-The Big M-
Congrats Toccs and Hootz.
Mc was fun, as the only level 58 there in some off the runs Smile
Warlock are mages who conquered there fear of the shadows
There may be war, there may be chaos but one thing will overrule them all TOTAL DESTRUCTION!

Hazuki / 70 Warlock / tail 410 * herb 450
Hazukar / 58 paladin /mining ? * bs ?
Old days old days... I miss it! Even tho we had major problems sometimes... Damn it was GREAT the first time Lucifron went down... I can still remember tho the first time i joined up for a raid (after several of weeks where i was denied due to bad gear... - Those times we wen't together with another guild... Sea dogs right?) -Alot of UBRS and i was ready! I went to the bloodelf and talked... Nothing happened.... Afterwards I found out there was something called preQ's Grin

Fool i made of myself, still fun tho - one of the first times I marked my name within TBO after we merged Solamnia Smile
Edited by Nesualk on 22-10-2007 14:09
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01-01-2024 13:01
happy new year !

08-06-2023 10:47

12-11-2022 02:07
Thanks for keeping the site alive <3

08-11-2022 07:59
Hi! How are you guys? How life is treating you? Just growing older, building our lives, finding no time, the usual stuff... Grin

18-11-2021 16:32
Been working from home since march last year - but walk away from taht laptop at 4pm not to return til 7:30 next day! lol you?

08-11-2021 07:31
How are you doing guys? Working from home day and night, or quit your job? Kisses!

07-06-2021 20:22
still alive, TBC classic on the menu these days!

26-04-2020 19:50
Hi Guys! Not playing wow but still alive! How are you all? Kisses! Wink

27-01-2020 13:49
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol

24-01-2020 09:29
Komodo (Antique) and Thebizzy are playing WoW classic these days. You're more than welcome to join us if you'd like. We're on the Bloodfang server =)

08-01-2020 18:26
Hey guys, Hope you are all well for 2020! Still think about our old raiding days and honestly miss it and you lot. xxx

08-09-2019 21:11
Hello! How is everyone? Are some of us still playing? Wow classic maybe? I miss the whole thing... kisses!

10-08-2019 14:34
there is a tbo discord server now

10-08-2019 13:33
doing a great job keeping the page alive ! so clasit where are we going ?

20-12-2018 22:25

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