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Breador Hacked
hello guys. i wasnt really an active player for the last months and im pretty sure most of the present guildies dont know me but i kinda need your help.
My account has been hacked like 2-3 days ago i assume.not very certain because it was frozen for like a than and from now on know that it isnt me for sure and please be careful about your relations with the bastard.
i have filled some forms at the but dont know when they will get back to me so if you have the time report that son of a bitch when online. u can kick my char from the guild too.
Well take care till we meet again ..
i saw u log in yesterday m8, if you're account has been hacked, then go to and change your pasword using the secret question, and u'll get your account back, any lost armor / weapons blizzard will replace, once you prove to them that the account is yours, do do this you need the authentication key you got with your game, that you used to create your account.
well i've already tried the password retrieval but either i forgot the answer or it has been changed too so it doesnt work for me :/
secret question and answer cant be changed, just gotta try to remember it m8, took me hours to figure my one out
by the way, if your account was hacked because of a keylogger file on your computer, make sure u get rid of it before you do anything
ok than what is better than spending a whole saturday trying to remember the answer of your secret question right? eheh thanks mate i hope ill remember it.right now im busting my ass trying to find it :/
good luck m8, hope you do find it out, i was pretty pissed off when i got my account hacked, contacted blizzard from my 2nd account, and they said they cant do anything because im not contacting from the account with the problem, which i thought was bullshit since the problem was i couldnt log in, then someone (cant remember who) in the guild told me that your secret question and answer couldnt be changed, so i spent the following few hours trying to figure it out and i eventually got it, logged in to find all my characters naked, with empty banks and no gold, opened a ticket and told the gm what happened, then they froze my acount and sent me an e-mail telling me to prove the accounts mine by e-mailing them back my authentication key, and my sercret question and the answer, then after 4 days (yeah 4 days.. the slow bastards!!) they reactivated my account and said they'd restore my weapons and armor (they aparently cant replace gold, quest items, mats, pots and stuff, and the armor you get back will have lost all your enchants and gems, but i guess its better than making a new char from level 1)
Edited by Joe on 20-10-2007 11:25
thanks god i finally remembered it thanks shen!! Grin
yay Grin
Hety, Breador.

Any chance of an update on the state of your account as of today 11:48 uk time Sunday, you were in Slave Pens and not answering Bizzy

Is the account still hacked or under your control now?

If its under your control are you 100% certain you have removed all trojans etc?

Only asking because of the non response to bizzy in guildchat
Bad news mate =( I waved at you in SW on a bank alt on Friday i think it was. Another mate of mine caller Ryoco was hacked recently too, but got all his stuff back and his gold too, so things may not be all bad. Keep us informed.
Yah Shade has been hacked also m8, he loggen in one day and stood there in his birthdaysuit. Just let blizz know you are the correct owner, format your machine, make a new password, and get your gear back from blizz, you will be back before its weekend again Smile

Lewsterin Kinslayer
Proud member of The Blade Order.

-Gunslingers! To me!
-We will be tested this day fellas! Prove or Die!

Dear Breador,

I'm so sad to hear that after your latency troubles you got hacked! Sad

The not so funny part is that I actually /w you yesterday morning, said hello dear, and the answer was so cold (hi mate, not like what i'm used to) so I started to have doubts. So i kept on /w your char on various topics, and the guy kept on answering. My questions were about your latency problems (he never had), he told me he does not have money, if I could lend him some gold, the poor boy is not making a living out of alchemy he said, "funny you ask me for gold, you know me, i'm always broke. But if you like i'll come help you to farm the mats after you your SP" "cool, thanks!". At this time I had already contacted Bizzy to tell him I had hudge doubts about Breador. Then, to make sure, I asked to the guys "how is the weather in Athens" "Nice" (lethal answer). Then we went on talking about joining together bg later, and bla bla bla. (Lol, even hackers chat with me for hours, is there something wrong with me?!?)

From the very 1st word I understood it was not you Breador, your personnality is reflected by the way you /w us.

I really hope the guys has been traced, and that we all reacted quick enough. I hope that your char will be restored as it was before beeing hacked.

I'm so afraid that what happened to apatewnas would be repeated.

Good luck dear Teddy!


What most of you don know is that Lisele is an international spy. Smile she can sniff out hackers miles away, so you hacking bastards beware, and be afraid!

Lewsterin Kinslayer
Proud member of The Blade Order.

-Gunslingers! To me!
-We will be tested this day fellas! Prove or Die!
Lise is soooo cute =D
the way she allways writes "kisses" and the long formal looking posts Grin And still she is so mysterious! like Mystique! The International agent AKA Kira Kisses Pfft OMG Grin LISE WOULD MAKE A IMBA MOVIE! Kira Kisses and the hacker from within!
I'd SO see that movie! Some nice action scenes and wicked inteligent wordplays! And crappy one phrases like in CSI Miami.

Hacker gets cought, close up on Lise
Lise sais: Seems you got hacked (put sunglasses on and walk away)

If that doesnt have oscar written all over i'll be damned! Grin



"The Paramount Path of the Pale Proselyte Pegan is a Protracted Pursuit of Purification"-The Big M-
GJ Lisele Smile

I had a chat with Brea on TS yesterday, and he gave me some info which only the real Breador can know. Hence if you have doubts, let me test him Smile (Got some names and some digets in some phonenumbers and things like that) so if you have doubts, I can check for you Smile

On the other hand... Breador asked to get kicked from the guild until he has control on his char again. So he is not in the guild atm... (well... BREADOR is in the guild...just not the hacking noob Pfft)

One more thing... when you get hacked you lose alot of your things... and sometimes its hard to come back from that... My wife has a char that were ment for her, but she never plays (Titamor), when she heard about Breador she said "Poor boy! That just sucks! He can have my gold as a kickof when he gets his char back"... Well.. thats 50g she got from her brother Pfft BUT if you want to give a small donation to get Breador back up on his feet, send it to TBObankguy, with the topic to Breador. If everyone spits in a small ammount, it should not take us long to get him back on his feet. AND there might be a day when we all would need that kind of help Smile


Well, of course, Breador will get all the help (gold, mats, party for quests) he'll need from me as soon as we he's sure of the security on his account.

(But i'm a bit embarrassed now, because I'm really broke! After chatting with the hacker about money, i got so afraid that I run straight away to Shadow Moon Valley to buy my skill, knowing that it cannot not be taken fron you, and to empty my bags from gold.) But I will be soon able to help again, I'm working on it.

And Titamor should not give her gold away, hopeful she'll play a little some day (not too much).

As I know Breador, he will not ask for any help, so we have to make it in a smart way that he will not notice too much Wink



haha, lise is so cute Grin Pfft
"The cute Kira Kisses" FTW

"The Paramount Path of the Pale Proselyte Pegan is a Protracted Pursuit of Purification"-The Big M-
oh my dear god..
well i am really sorry and feel like an ass right now lol
i havent entered the forums since the day i got my account back because i was busy formatting my pc,trying to convince blizz to give my gear back and some hardworking days at university.
i have just read the thread now and well no other way to put it out: im really touched and feel kind of emotional right now.
i dont know nearly any of you in real but this is real guys.. thanks for being the nicest guild on wow and being a part of my life (well this is true we all spend lots of hours together Pfft)
To the ones that maybe dont know how things turned out: i got my acc back,improved my security,got my gear back and the very 160g 90s 38c i got ^^
Love ya all
I love a happy ending Wink
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01-01-2024 13:01
happy new year !

08-06-2023 10:47

12-11-2022 02:07
Thanks for keeping the site alive <3

08-11-2022 07:59
Hi! How are you guys? How life is treating you? Just growing older, building our lives, finding no time, the usual stuff... Grin

18-11-2021 16:32
Been working from home since march last year - but walk away from taht laptop at 4pm not to return til 7:30 next day! lol you?

08-11-2021 07:31
How are you doing guys? Working from home day and night, or quit your job? Kisses!

07-06-2021 20:22
still alive, TBC classic on the menu these days!

26-04-2020 19:50
Hi Guys! Not playing wow but still alive! How are you all? Kisses! Wink

27-01-2020 13:49
I played Classic until I was nearly level 60. It needs The Burning Crusade really for me though. I am lurking around Daggerspine again for a while, trying to get used to the changes lol

24-01-2020 09:29
Komodo (Antique) and Thebizzy are playing WoW classic these days. You're more than welcome to join us if you'd like. We're on the Bloodfang server =)

08-01-2020 18:26
Hey guys, Hope you are all well for 2020! Still think about our old raiding days and honestly miss it and you lot. xxx

08-09-2019 21:11
Hello! How is everyone? Are some of us still playing? Wow classic maybe? I miss the whole thing... kisses!

10-08-2019 14:34
there is a tbo discord server now

10-08-2019 13:33
doing a great job keeping the page alive ! so clasit where are we going ?

20-12-2018 22:25

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